Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 9th, 2008

Today we started the camp at at 2:30. I felt like today should be strictly conditioning because after yesterdays performance in the weight room, I feel like the players are not committed enough. Being in good condition is a vital part of being a basketball player. It was obvious that the kids had not spent enough time in the weight room in the off season so I figured I would test their ability in the conditioning aspect. Surprisingly enough, more kids had performed above what I thought. It turns out that these kids had done track in the spring.

I suggested to the head coach of Trumbull High, Buddy Bray, that it become mandatory that all of his players that do not play a fall sport do track or cross country. This is because the players that I saw excel in the conditioning portion, were in my judgement, the most prepared for varsity level basketball. Being in good condition is too important to let just pass by any one player. Hopefully, the strenuous running and drills will not affect the players skills in the controlled scrimmage tomorrow.

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