Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15th, 2008

Today was by far the most productive and fun day of this entire senior project so far. There were about 11 kids in each group that showed up. I had originally planned on just doing half court drills with them today, but because of the numbers, I chose to switch things up and do all full court drills. I figured that this would give them a great workout and it would be fun as well. The players took the drills seriously but had smiles on their faces the whole time. The kids are really starting to become close and are having a good time. This is important for team chemistry and just a good way to have an extra friend. Basketball is much easier when everyone is getting along and having a good time.

I put an offer on the table for the guards that if anyone wanted to stay for the big man session it would be a great help and they would benefit from it. Some kids could not stay because of homework and ride situations but 4 kids did stay and it definitely helped the big men and the guards. The guards helped the big men with running up and down the floor and the big men helped the guards with post entry passes and re-positioning on the perimiter. Hopefully the kids will feed off of this energy and continue to compete.

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