Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18th, 2008

Today was another controlled scrimmage utilizing all of what was learned this week. In this scrimmage, it was fun to watch the guards use moves that they practiced all week. Watching them put their moves into game situations was fun for me because I feel like I taught them something. It kind of felt like a part of me was out there doing the move with them. With the progress that the guards have made this week, I am confident that if they continue to practice the drills that I have showed them, that they will be varsity caliber players. Some of them already are, and they will become influential players on their team.

The big men seemed to have been sparked by the running yesterday. In the scrimmage, the performance of the big men definitely stuck out to me. They were playing the hardest and being the best leaders on the court. They were sprinting up and down and helping their teammates out. This was a sign for me that the running was a good way to get through to them about how I wanted them to work their hardest for these three weeks.

The players have without a doubt made leaps in their game and have shown a definite improvement in their leadership ability. Seeing this makes me proud and shows me that what I am doing is paying off.

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