Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12th, 2008

The start to this week was just as exciting as then first week. It felt like I was starting all over again because there were new kids there. There were new kids there because the spring sports at Trumbull High ended and the players that were playing spring sports are now able to attend the camp. Overall there were 6 new kids. 4 guards and 2 post players. Having these new players here was a new challenge for me because it was new players that I had to relate to and teach. I loved having new kids because even though it was new kids for me to relate to and teach, I wanted to see how well the kids related to each other and helped each other out.

The guard group impressed me the most today. One new kid this week showed tremendous capability of being a leader figure. He lead the group and pushed them to work hard. He was supportive when players missed shot and was always giving the kids high fives. This is excellent quality to have. He definitely showed confidence and leadership and I will make sure to tell Coach about him. The rest of the players definitely fed off of his energy and enthusiasm. This made my job a lot easier. When the players are playing their hardest, the camp rolls much more smooth and the kids have much more fun.

The newcomers for the post players did not show as much leadership but still showed the desire to get better and learn. Mastering the low post moves is something that takes time and much practice. This week got off to a good start for them as we went over the timing and basic sto some of the most simple moves. They showed great progress but have more work to do the rest of this week.

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